Epeolatry Book Review: You’re Not Alone in the Dark, ed. Eugene Johnson & Eric J. Guignard


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Title: You’re Not Alone in the Dark
Author: Various, ed. Eugene Johnson & Eric J. Guignard
Genre: Non-fiction, essay and interview collection
Publisher: Cemetery Dance Publications
Publication date: 22nd November, 2024

Synopsis: “The world can be an overwhelming and terrifying place. People often feel as if they are beaten, trapped, hunted-pursued by the very real monsters of mental illness, disabilities, abuse, loss, and countless other fears.

Featuring essays and interviews with some of the best writers in the horror genre, and compiled by the highly acclaimed Stoker Award winning editors Eugene Johnson and Eric Guignard, this non-fiction anthology lets people know that no matter how dark it gets, they are not alone. Contributing authors range from NYT best sellers to indie publishers, each sharing their own personal experiences, their struggles, their coping mechanisms, and what the genre community has meant to them.”
