Epeolatry Book Review: Madness and Greatness Can Share the Same Face by Amanda Headlee

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Title: Madness and Greatness Can Share the Same Face
Author: Amanda Headlee
Genre: Horror, Collection
Publisher: Woodhall Press
Publication Date: 2nd September, 2024
Synopsis: The line between madness and greatness is as delicate as a golden silk thread.
It’s a tricky balancing act to dance upon this fragile line for those seeking greatness. An outsider may perceive the endeavor as wandering a road toward insanity and crumbling dreams. However, in the eyes of the beholder, they don’t see themselves as walking a tightrope between genius and insanity but rather paving a road to success— where no expense is spared.
Madness and Greatness Can Share the Same Face is a collection of thirteen dark fiction tales that spiderweb across space and time to explore the line where, with a step, one can be pitched into the realm of greatness or depths of madness.