CLOSED: Slink Chunk Press
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Payment: $5 per published submission
How to Submit to Slink Chunk Press
We use Submittable as our submission’s manager, so please submit via hereand not via email. All general queries can be directed [email protected]
When submitting, please include a short bio, just a few sentences about yourself, which we will use if your story is accepted! No cover letter is required, although you can include any places other work has previously been accepted in your bio if you would like (this is not mandatory.)
Things we think are really cool (in no particular order):
– magical realism
– urban fantasy and science fiction
– alternative depictions of women and men in these settings
– alternative depictions of women and men in general
– non-binary MCs
– diversity in race and ability of protagonists
– steam punk
– made up words
– unicorns
– not being homophobic, transphobic, ableist, racist, or a misogynist
If you can tick at least two of those boxes (the last one is pretty much mandatory), please, send us your art for consideration!
What we accept:
Written Word
Flash Fiction: min 500 – max 1,000
Short Fiction: min: 1,000- max 3,000
Poetry: 1-5 poems
Creative Non Fiction: max 3000
We’re not sticklers for length,but please try to keep within a couple of hundred words of the suggested limit (just remember that this is an online platform).
Visual Art
Paintings and or Photographs: There’s no real restriction on numbers here, you can submit one piece, or a whole series of pieces. Just don’t send us your entire iPhone camera roll!
Videos: We’re talking readings, performances, songs, rants, animations, you name it! We prefer videos to be submitted via Submittable in mp4 format.
However, if you’re video is already hosted and you would like us to feature it, please email the link to [email protected]. If your video is yet to be filmed, and you would like to pitch it to us before creating it, please email us at the same address.
Comics: We are so keen to have web-comics on board! Ideally we’d like something short, say 6 pages max, but this is certainly up for negotiation; perhaps we could publish a longer comic over a series of issues, or if we really, REALLY like it, serialization could also be an option.
AND FINALLY: If your creation is cross-medium (eg. text and photos, collage etc.) and doesn’t fit into any of these categories, but you still think it would be a good fit for Slink Chunk Press, pitch it to us at [email protected]
Slink Chunk Story Time:
Slink Chunk Press will be inviting some of the writers published in the launching issue to read their stories via Google Hangout. Everyone will get a chance to read, we will talk about why we liked the story/why it was chosen for the issue/other general fun things. Readers of Slink Chunk Press will be able to watch via YouTube (this will be moderated by the EIC because the internet can be a scary place). Think of it as a magical, writer-ly slumber party. And if you have a character that has, say, a very distinct appearance, or expresses themselves in an aesthetically interesting way, you could perhaps channel that during your reading. In other words, dressing up as your character is certainly an option because dressing up is AWESOME and highly encouraged. FUN!
And a few other important things…
– We are currently interested in unpublished work. If you are published in an issue of Slink Chunk Press, and then wish to publish it elsewhere afterwards, please feel free to do so! Just be sure to acknowledge Slink Chunk Press as the original site of publication.
– Simultaneous submissions are accepted, just please let us know if your piece has been accepted elsewhere.
– If you have hosted the piece on a personal blog, art sharing site such as deviantART, or YouTube, please let us know in the body of your submission. We will still consider it for publication, but may request that you give us a shout out on these platforms and through your other social media networks. We’ll ask nicely, promise!
– Slink Chunk Press is not for profit, with all funds being channeled into paying our contributors. Currently, we offer a flat rate of $5 per published submission (if you are submitting multiple poems as a collection, they will be counted as one submission). We know it’s not much, we wish we could pay you what your stories are worth.
– All Publishing Rights are returned to the author on the event of their piece’s submission.
Via: Slink Chunk Press.