Please note that you should expect a response to your submission within three months. If you haven’t heard by then please send a query email to [email protected]
Please don’t submit your piece simultaneously to another publication.
What We Want
Firstly we recommend that you read some of the first issue of Alt Hist to get a flavour of what we publish, either the sample material or better yet go and buy yourself a copy.
Fiction submitted:
1. Must be a short piece of fiction – under 10,000 words.
2. Must be either historical fiction, alternate history, or historical fantasy.
3. Must be a well written character based story rather than an exercise in ‘what if …’
4. Must not be simultaneously submitted to another publication.
5. Must be an original work that has not been published elsewhere.
Reviews and articles about historical fiction, alternate history books, genres and writers are welcome and criteria 2) and 3) above also apply.
We would love to have your artwork to illustrate the magazine and website. In fact we need a nice image for the website asap, so if you have something you would like to contribute we’ll count you in for a share of the first two year’s profits as well!
Please let us know what rights you are granting us and be aware that the magazine will be published as an ebook and printed book.
How To Submit
Please submit using our online submission system provided by submishmash.
If you are having any problems submitting or want to ask a question contact us at:[email protected]
In the subject line please put: Fiction Submission, Non-Fiction Submission, Artwork Submission as applicable.
In the body of the email tell us a bit about yourself and any previous publishing credits.
If submitting text please use standard manuscript format.
How We Pay
Please note this has changed recently.
We currently offer a token payment of either $10 per accepted submission or a free copy of the print version of the issue in which your work features. You will also receive a free PDF copy of the issue.
We are looking for First English Language serial rights, which means that we have the right to publish it first before it appears anywhere else. Once published you could then publish the story elsewhere if you wish, such as an anthology for instance.