Taking Submissions: Astrolabe December 2024 Window (Early)
AstrolabeSubmission Window: December 21st, 2024 to January 21, 2025 Payment: $50 upon publication Theme: Stories about how we seek out, discover, and grasp onto connection in all genres with a particular fondness for anything that moves beyond realism in form or content or spirit Please read below for details about our next submission window, guidelines, honorariums, and rights. At Astrolabe, we’re looking for work about how we seek out, discover, and grasp onto connection. Into the woods. Across a line. Beneath the ocean. Along a seam. Into the branches of an alternate present or the crevasse of an alternate future. Across the rifts between one another. And then, once we find one other, the myths we make. We’re excited to see as many interpretations of this broad theme as there are stars in the night sky. We’re open to work of all genres, with a particular fondness for anything that moves beyond realism in form or content or spirit. Read about Astrolabe for details on our mission and what we’re doing with the Universe. The details We pay a $50 honorarium upon publication of one or more pieces from your submission. We open for submissions on the day we publish new work and remain open for a month, or until we reach 150 submissions. Here are our next open submission periods: Here are the next free periods: December 21st to January 21, 2025 Some additional details: We currently accept three types of work: fiction, creative nonfiction, and photography & art. See below for genre-specific instructions. We’re not a market for lineated poetry at the moment. We do accept simultaneous submissions, but please let us know if your work was accepted for publication elsewhere—we’ll be thrilled for your good news! No multiple submissions—and if we don’t accept your work, please wait until our next submission period before trying...
Taking Submissions: Fairy Tale Magazine: 2025 January Window
Fairy Tale MagazineSubmission Window: January 15th - 21st, 2025 Payment: $25 Theme: Seeking Sleeping Beauty tales and poems for the first issue of 2025. Submission Guidelines We changed our guidelines and updated our instructions on November 21, 2024 Please read thoroughly! The Fairy Tale Magazine is an online lit magazine that publishes twice per year. We seek fairy tale stories and poems from and about a wide range of backgrounds. Our issues are released online on April 15th and November 1st. The Fairy Tale Magazine is NOT a children's publication. It is intended for those who are 15-years-of-age and older. We understand young children may see our publication, but it is intended for teens (age 15+) and adults. Themes for 2025 No submissions will be considered or acknowledged if received outside of the windows stated. Spring/Summer Theme: Sleeping Beauty Seeking Sleeping Beauty tales and poems for the first issue of 2025. Submissions will be open January 15 at 12am EST through January 21 at 11:59pm EST. (no fee) Prose & Poetry Guidelines The Fairy Tale Magazine accepts only previously unpublished work. We accept unsolicited submissions. No more than one piece per submission period. Please submit only in one category. If you were published in our latest issue, please sit one submission period out before submitting again. Use the following word counts for submissions: Short Stories (between 900-2,000 words): Fairy tales inspired by any aspect of the above-listed themes. (1 piece per submission period) Poetry (500 word limit): Poetry inspired by any aspect of the above-listed themes are welcome. (1 piece per submission period) We are not seeking art or nonfiction. We are not hiring. No inquiries please. How to Format and Submit Your Work Only submissions that follow these guidelines will be accepted Submit by email only to this address: [email protected]. The subject line of your email must...