Taking Submissions: Short(b)Reads
Hollow Oak PressDeadline: January 10th, 2024 Payment: $30 Theme: Speculative Stories that feature food in a way that makes you want to eat it Ever read something that made you hungry? Ever had an author so skilled at sensory description make you crave the food in their story? We want to make an anthology out of that feeling. Send us your stories that feature food. The food doesn’t need to be central to the plot, however, the sensory description of the food needs to stand out for us. We want our readers hungry, both for the rest of your story and for the food it contains. Wow us with your culinary plot points. All stories must feature a speculative element, whether it’s magic or monsters or anything in between. All subgenres of speculative fiction are welcome, although military/political/alien-based sci-fi will be a harder sell. We will judge all stories by their own merits though, so if you think you have something that fits, we want to read it. All food featured in your story must be appetizing and must be something that can be made in the real world. We want speculative fiction, but not speculative food. All stories must be previously unpublished (this includes your own website/blog). We will not accept any stories featuring bigotry, hateful language, or sexual assault of any kind. This is an anthology for adults so some sex/violence/profanity is fine, as long as it directly pertains to the story and isn’t used solely for shock value. We do want our mothers to read this, so any sex should be fade-to-black rather than overly descriptive. Guidelines: Deadline: January 10th, 2025 at 11:59 EST Word count: 2,500-7,000 words Payment: Flat payment of $30 USD per accepted story, paid through PayPal or Venmo. Rights: First world print and digital publication rights with one year...