Taking Submissions: Witch House Issue #3
Witch House MagazineDeadline: June 18th, 2023 Payment: $10 Theme: Atmospheric horror that emphasizes disturbing and suggestive settings Submissions: OPEN (Issue 3) • Submission deadline for our 3rd issue: Sunday, June 18, 2023 at 11:59 PM EDT. • Editorial decisions: Sunday, August 20, 2023. • Publication of Issue 3: Sunday, October 22, 2023. Fiction Guidelines: We prefer short, compressed stories that are nevertheless complete and cohesive narratives (1500 to 2500 words). These limits are firm. No more, no less. Stories over or under the limit will not be read. We mean it, friends! This limit serves two functions: (1) the limit is an artistic challenge. It takes skill to tell a compressed, punchy story. (2) We are an amateur publication and only pay a token honorarium, so save your longer works for better paying markets. At this time, only a single submission per author can be considered for a given issue of Witch House. Additionally, we’re only seeking original, previously unpublished stories. Fiction Style: We prefer atmospheric horror that emphasizes disturbing and suggestive settings. We prefer renderings of supernatural horror to be artfully sketchy and sublime. Documentary descriptions of monstrosity rarely works for us. We generally prefer the first-person perspective. We are open to experimental narrative techniques. Poetry Length and Form: Submit up to three short poems, no more than 500 words of verse total. We are open to both formal and free verse poetry. We have a soft spot for sonnets. Publication, Payment, and Rights: Issues will be published as .pdf files. If work is selected for publication in WITCH HOUSE, authors will (1) be paid an honorarium of $10 and (2) will be asked to provide, by contract, "First North American Serial Rights." In our opinion, this means that copyright is NOT transferred. All copyright stays with you, the writer; however,...