Taking Submissions: Aurealis Magazine Australian and New Zealand 2022 Window
Deadline: September 30th, 2022 Payment: Between A$20 and A$60 per 1000 words, but assume the lower rate for unsolicited submissions Theme: All types of science fiction, fantasy and horror that are of a “speculative” nature Note: This portion of Aurealis Magazine's open window is just for Australian and New Zealand writers Fiction guidelines Aurealis is looking for science fiction, fantasy or horror short stories between 2000 and 8000 words. All types of science fiction, fantasy and horror that are of a “speculative” nature will be considered, but we do not want stories that are derivative in nature, particularly those based on TV series. We do not publish horror without a supernatural element. Although we are an Australian-based publication, we are open to submissions in English from anywhere in the multiverse during specific reading periods. Stories containing an unacceptable number of spelling mistakes and typos, and those that do not conform to our guidelines in other ways, will be rejected automatically. This may seem harsh, but we are being honest about it. Please take the time to polish your work in every way before you send it to us. Aurealis pays between A$20 and A$60 per 1000 words, but assume the lower rate for unsolicited submissions. Payment is made soon after the publication of the issue containing your story. Minimum payment is A$20. You will also receive a free electronic copy of the issue containing your story. We buy First Electronic Publication Rights and the non-exclusive rights to include the story in a print and digital anthology. All other rights remain with the contributor. The story must not be published elsewhere for a period of twelve months after it appears in electronic form in Aurealis. Aurealis does not publish reprints. We don’t publish poetry or novel extracts. We don’t serialise longer works. Our response time for subscribers...
Taking Submissions: The Pontine Dossier: Millennium Edition 2022 Annual
Deadline: September 30th, 2022 Payment: Contributor's Copy Theme: An article of Pontine Scholarship about Solar Pons, characters in the Solar Pons canon, or author August Derleth The Pontine Dossier: Millennium Edition 2022 Annual Edited by Derrick Belanger The next volume of Solar Pons Scholarship from Belanger Books! Belanger Books is proud to bring back The Pontine Dossier in an annual edition. The Pontine Dossier: Millennium Edition 2022 will feature Pontine articles and scholarships. We would love it if you'd consider contributing. Guidelines: An article of Pontine Scholarship about Solar Pons, characters in the Solar Pons canon, or author August Derleth. Length can vary from as few as 1,000 words to as many as 5,000 words. We are leaving this wide open to get as many and as varied submissions as possible. Please submit your manuscript as a word document to [email protected]. Title your email: ATTN: PONTINE DOSSIER SUBMISSION. If your article is accepted, you will receive a free print copy of the Dossier. Submission Deadline: Please submit your article by September 30, 2022. We hope to release the new edition of the Dossier in November, 2022. Via: Derrick Belanger's Facebook.
Taking Submissions: Vikings
Deadline: September 30th, 2022 Payment: Royalties on 4k+ stories Theme: Vikings We Were Warriors Series Title: Vikings Opens: 4 February 2022 Closes: 30 September 2022, 11:59 EST Theme: Adventurers, explorers, expert navigators and sailors--their legacy is known the world over. But we want to hear YOUR version of their stories. Tell us about their travels, their plunders, their battles, and their loves. Make it personal. Make it real, not just the stereotypes we see in media. We want the good, the bad, and everything in between. Word Limit: 100-word drabbles and/or 1k-8k Author Eligibility: Open to all Reprints: Allowed if rights belong to author, royalty paid at a lower percentage Simultaneous Submissions: Not allowed Multiple Submissions: Max of 2 drabbles and 2 short story acceptances Author Compensation: One digital copy and wordcount-based royalty split for stories 4k+ Send your story and up to a 100-word author bio with 2 (two) links as a Word doc attachment to: [email protected] Please include the Anthology Title, Story Title, and Author name in your email subject line, with your document file name as: Author Name - Story Title. Via: Black Ink Fiction.
Taking Submissions: Tales From The Radiator
Deadline: September 30th, 2022 Payment: $5 Theme: Stories for a podcast that must have some elements of sci-fi/fantasy/magical realism About Tales From The Radiator is an anthology style speculative fiction podcast that strives to feature new writers and actors. What to submit We’ll take stories up to 2000 words. They must have some elements of sci-fi/fantasy/magical realism, but other than that, we have no restriction for you. Go nuts! Simultaneous/multiple submissions are okay, but please notify us immediately if the story was accepted elsewhere. We’re not picky about format, but please use Times New Roman 12 pt. font double spaced, as it’s easiest to read. Keep in mind this is a podcast, so we’re looking for stories that lend themselves well to audio and will give the voice actor a lot to work with. We read submissions anonymously, so please avoid putting any identifying information on the manuscript. This is only to prevent potential bias in our readers; if your story is selected, it will be published under whatever name you choose. Who can submit Anyone! Though we give priority to previously unpublished authors. Where to submit Here! When to Submit We are open to submissions until September 30, or until we reach 100 submissions. Whichever comes first! We hope to get back to you within three months. If you don’t hear back from us by then, feel free to query. Payment As an indie company we can’t offer much, but we believe it’s better to get paid a little rather than nothing at all. So we offer a token payment of $5 per story. We hope to one day offer professional rates. Questions? Email [email protected]. Please so not submit stories to this address. What is Strong Branch Productions? Strong Branch Productions is a queer-led new media production company that practices anarchism in the arts. We make podcasts and games that champion...
Taking Submissions: A Coup Of Owls Winter 2022 Issue (Early Listing)
Submission Window: September 1st - 30th, 2022 Payment: Drabbles and Flash - £5, Short Stories 1001 to 4000 words - £10, Short Stories 4001 to 8000 words - £15 Theme: Stories you’ve poured your soul into but haven’t been able to find the right home for. Note: Only publishes creators from under represented and/or marginalized communities. We’re looking for stories you’ve poured your soul into but haven’t been able to find the right home for. We’re looking for stories that make us feel something. Warmth, love, melancholy, rage. We want it all. All genres, styles and themes will be considered and we especially love stories that are outside the box in their telling. Ambiguous endings? Non-linear storytelling? Antagonist’s point-of-view? A story told in just one scene? We love it all. WE ONLY PUBLISH CREATORS FROM UNDER REPRESENTED AND/OR MARGINALISED BACKGROUNDS AND/OR COMMUNITIES We don't ask for any proof, we take this on trust with the expectation that anyone not from a marginalised background or underrepresented community wouldn't take up the space of someone who is. We ask you to consider this before submitting. PLEASE NOTE: Due to our move to quarterly publication our next open submissions will be September for Issue 8 (Winter) and October for print anthology "Other & Different" Quarterly Online Anthology Submission Schedule: March 1st - 31st (Summer Issue) July 1st - 31st (Autumn Issue) September 1st - 30th (Winter Issue) December 1st - 31st (Spring Issue) we do not have set issue themes but feel free to be inspired by the season, seasonal occasions and events Print Anthology Submission Schedule: October 1st - 31st (April Publication) SUBMISSION GUIDELINES - ONLINE ONLY These are the guidelines for our Quarterly Online Anthology. For more information on print anthologies go to Print Anthologies How to submit: Please submit via the form at the bottom of this...
Taking Submissions: Sherlock is a Girl’s Name
Deadline: September 30th, 2022 Payment: AU$0.05c a word up to 5000 words Theme: Stories about a female-identifying Sherlock Holmes Note: Female-identifying writers An anthology about a female Sherlock Holmes, written by women What would the Great Detective be like if Sherlock was a woman? Clan Destine Press and commissioning editors Narrelle M Harris and Atlin Merrick, wonder just that, and seek stories about a female-identifying Sherlock Holmes – young or old, set in any time, place, or culture! Of course, wherever there is Holmes, Watson must follow – in this anthology Watson could be nonbinary, female- or male-identifying, queer or straight. Whatever suits your setting. Who is Ms Sherlock Holmes in your story? Who is her Watson? Her clients? And what are the mysteries only she can solve? Submission Guidelines: Submissions requested from female-identifying writers. Sherlock must identify as a woman – all else is open to your interpretation. Her name must be Sherlock Holmes (or the local cultural equivalent). We encourage submissions from writers of diverse backgrounds. We'd love Holmesian-style adventure and mystery. No sexual or extreme violence. Payment and Deadline: Submission deadline: 30 September 2022. Payment is AU$0.05c a word for stories up to 5000 words; you may write a longer piece, but payment caps at 5000 words. Formatting: Send your story as a .doc or .docx attachment Use Times New Roman, 12 point, double-spaced Single quote marks on dialogue Paragraphs indented 0.5mm Left-aligned (not justified) Margins 2.5cm/one inch all around – left and right; top and bottom Questions: Email Clan Destine Press' commissioning editors, Narrelle M Harris and Atlin Merrick at: [email protected]. Via: Clan Destine Press.
Taking Submissions: Weird Horror Magazine September 2022 Window (Early Listing)
Submission Window: September 1st-30th, 2022 Payment: 1.5¢ per word (one and one-half cent), with a $25 (U.S.) minimum and 2 contributor's copies Theme: horror and weird fiction Weird Horror has two reading periods each year - March and September. FICTION GUIDELINES OPENS: Sept. 1, 2022 CLOSES: Sept. 30, 2022 We are seeking first publication rights. Fiction must be in English, and previously unpublished in English anywhere, in any format, on any platform, including your blog, website, newsletter, Patreon, etc. Please do not query about reprints. We will consider works translated to English, as long as you are offering first English-language publication rights. Simultaneous submissions are welcome. Please inform us if your story is accepted elsewhere. No multiple submissions. Please send 1 story only per reading period. We are seeking horror and weird fiction from 500 to 6,000 words, firm. Stories over or under the word count will not be read. (Please respect our word counts.) We are not interested in extreme horror. We receive over 800 manuscripts each period, and accept less than 2% of submissions. Do not be discouraged by a form rejection. Payment is (U.S.) 1.5¢ per word (one and one-half cent), with a $25 (U.S.) minimum (paid via PayPal) for first worldwide English-language rights, for use in the print, eBook, and online edition. Contributors also receive 2 copies of the print edition. We ask for a 6-month exclusivity. Copyright remains with the author, and a contract will be provided. Submit stories in Standard Manuscript Format as a Word document or PDF, and e-mail as an attachment to: WeirdHorrorMag gmail com NOTE - There is no need to provide a mailing address on your manuscript. Format the subject line of your e-mail thusly: Submission - Story Title - Author Name Do not respond to rejections, please, for any...
Taking Submissions: There’s No Place
Deadline: September 30th, 2022 Payment: 0.08CAD per word and a contributor's copy Theme: Storytellers who have experienced—or are experiencing—homelessness. IN SHORT What: A pro-rate anthology of short fiction pieces on the theme of “home” (500-3500 words) on the theme of HOME Who: Storytellers who have experienced—or are experiencing—homelessness. When: Submissions are open from July 1, 2022, to September 30, 2022. Publication is scheduled for fall of 2023. Where: While we will prioritize Canadian submissions, submissions are open to writers throughout the world. How: Scroll below to see our guidelines! ABOUT THE ANTHOLOGY There’s No Place will be a collection where storytellers who are experiencing/have experienced homelessness can tell the tales that live inside them. The theme of the collection is, simply, HOME. This is not limited to physical spaces; home can be a person, an item, a memory, a sensation. The theme can be interpreted broadly, but home should be at the heart of your story. This collection will be limited to short stories—we are seeking fiction only. While lived experience will inform the stories told, our hope is to share tales of home imagined into being. ABOUT THE SUBMISSIONS WHO CAN SUBMIT Only people with lived experience of homelessness can submit. For this anthology, we are defining homelessness as: Unsheltered (you have lived in a place not designated for human habitation, outdoors, in public spaces, etc.) Emergency Sheltered (you have used an overnight shelter, a transitional shelter, a space for those impacted by violence, displacement, crisis, etc.) Provisionally Accommodated (you have couch-surfed, lived in temporary accommodations, lived in a foster or group home, etc.) This is not an exhaustive list. Homelessness takes different shapes. We also understand that people may have moved through multiple types of homelessness. If you are unsure if your experience meets the parameters of this call, please reach out...
Taking Submissions: TBD Gothic Romance
Deadline: September 30th, 2022 Payment: $0.08 a word Theme: Gothic romances that are equal parts horror and romance. Submissions Open: August 1st through September 30th Title: TBD Gothic Romance Type: Anthology of short stories Editors: Heather & S.D. Vassallo Theme: We're looking for gothic romances that are equal parts horror and romance. The short stories should be mysterious, atmospheric, and include a HEA (or happy for now). This is an open call with no slots reserved for invitation pieces. Women (including transgender and people otherwise marginalized because of their gender identity) and non-binary authors only. Must Haves: - Horror and romance - Happily ever after or at least happy for now - Overwhelming sense of menace or dread - Atmosphere (weather) and/or place prominently add to the story - Traditionally spooky locations, such as old manor houses or decaying plantations aren't necessary, but the location should be spooky. - Actual supernatural horror, implied supernatural horror, or psychological horror - Haunted places/houses welcome - Sizzle: anywhere from closed door to super sizzle welcome (but the sizzle must drive the plot forward) - Time period: anytime in the past or present - Location: anywhere on Earth Won't Accept: - Racism - Anti-LGBTQIA+ - Rape - Incest - Extreme Horror (excessive gore, explicit sex just for gore/sex sake) - Reprints - Manuscripts that don't follow the guidelines Guidelines: - Women (including transgender and people otherwise marginalized because of their gender identity) and non-binary authors only - Short Stories 2,000 to 6,000 words - First page should have your legal and author name, email address, word count, and title of story - Font 12 pt Garamond - Double Spaced - No headers, footers, or special formatting - DOC, DOCx, or RTF format - Up to 2 short stories per author (submit separately) - Simultaneous submissions acceptable, please let us know if your piece is accepted elsewhere Compensation: -...
Taking Submissions: Short Story Substack September 2022 Window (Early Listing)
Submission Window: September 1st-30th, 2022 Payment: $100 for the chosen story + 50% of subscription revenue Theme: Any genre, short story Changing the world, one story at a time Mission = Revive the art of the short story, support artists, and produce something wonderful. Payout = Base Pay of $100 for the chosen story + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Wait, you mean if this substack gets thousands of subscribers, the winner would get thousands of dollars? Yes! The New Yorker pays roughly $7,500 per story and I sincerely hope to go way past that. What does the timeline look like? Submit stories by the end of the month, winner to be announced on the 15th. There is ONE story that wins and receives the full payout. Where do I send submissions? [email protected] What are the rules for submitting? 1. No Fees 2. Send in Microsoft Word or Google Doc form 3. Any genre 4. 6- 10,000 words. Yes, just 6 words, like Hemingway's famous 6-word story "For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn." 5. Reprints are ok so long as you still have the rights to distribute. 6. Acknowledge Distribution Rights on this Substack - You can still sell your story elsewhere but we need to be able to save and publish it here. The goal is to create a library for subscribers. 7. Only the winner will be published and rights will only transfer for the winning story. What do I get for subscribing? One beautiful story every month. The complete library. The joy of supporting artists and doing something interesting. Anything Else? Yes! Analytics will be published monthly in terms of subscribers, the number of submissions, and anything else that might be relevant. Via: Substack.
Taking Submissions: Women and the Sea
Deadline: September 30th, 2022 Payment: $50 CAD and a contributor's copy Theme: Women and the Sea Deep, mysterious, beautiful, dangerous… women and the sea have a lot in common and have been tied together in myth and story from the beginning of time. Stories of women being drawn to the sea or being left on the shore, waiting for their men’s return, have been passed down through the ages. This anthology of stories about women and the sea will be filled with beautiful, atmospheric stories. I’m not primarily looking for fantastical creatures but rather setting, mood. The mythic. The gothic. The tranquility of sunlight dancing upon placid waters and the deep moon energy of rising tides and waves slamming against rocks. I want lonely lighthouses on rocky outcroppings, wind-whipped hair and melancholia, transformation and exaltation. Salt and sorrow. Clarification: Because it has become a frequently asked question I want to clarify something. Speculative elements and fantastical creatures are welcome in these stories but I’m also open to non-spec stories which fit the theme. When I said ‘I’m not looking for fantastical creatures’ I meant in comparison to the other water anthologies I’ve done in the past like Sirens where the water creatures were the focus. In this case I just the primary focus to be on atmosphere and mood. Apologies for not making that clear. Rights and compensation: Payment: $50 CAD flat fee and a paperback copy of the anthology. In exchange we are seeking first world rights in English and exclusive right to publish in print and electronic format for six months after publication date, after which publisher retains nonexclusive right to continue to publish for the life of the anthology. Publisher: Tyche Books Submission window: August 1, 2022 – September 30, 2022 Release window: TBD in 2023 Stories up to 7,500 words long No Reprints No...
Taking Submissions: Crack in the Code: Cybernated Stories of Rebellion
Deadline: September 30th, 2022 Payment: .08 per word Theme: Science fiction and fantasy stories where the androids, robots, and/or cyborgs have been naughty, going off programming, cracking their internal code, etc. Anthology: Crack in the Code: Cybernated Stories of Rebellion edited by Venessa Giunta and Nicole Givens Kurtz Deadline: September 30th, 2022 Publication Release Date: February 2023 Payment: .08 per word Since 2010, Mocha Memoirs Press’s mission is to amplify marginalized voices in the areas of speculative fiction (science fiction, horror, and fantasy). Crack in the Code will follow the steps of our previous published bestseller anthologies An Improbable Truth: The Paranormal Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, SLAY: Stories of the Vampire Noire, and Avast, Ye Airships! What we are looking for: Science fiction and fantasy stories where the androids, robots, and/or cyborgs have been naughty, going off programming, cracking their internal code, etc. Give us dramatic stories, mischievous stories, stories that stun, but not offend us. This call is seeking unpublished short stories where the artificial lives become alive and share their stories. If you can take the story out of westernized culture, we’d love to see those, too! We want stories that speak of inclusivity. So, if your robot/cyborg/android is disabled or suffers from an ailment, send those stories too. LGBTQ+ stories are also encouraged. To point, we want stories from everyone. If you do not follow the guidelines, your submission will be deleted unread. Seriously, read the guidelines. Follow them. Upon results of a successful crowdfunding campaign, we will pay SFWA pro-rates of .08 per word for publication for First World Rights. Still interested? Here are the guidelines. • Stories for this anthology must be original (no reprints or previously published material), no more than 7,500 words in length, we accept microfiction and flash, and must satisfy the theme of the anthology, meaning the protagonist...
Taking Submissions: Unspeakable Horror 3: Dark Rainbow Rising
Deadline: September 30th, 2022 Payment: $0.10 (ten cents) per word Theme: Original short stories up to 6,000 words that explore this idea of great terror growing from the LGBTQIA community’s great strides forward. Note: Stories must have a strong, central gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer focus/slant/theme Unspeakable Horror 3: Dark Rainbow Rising Edited by: Vince A. Liaguno When the pendulum of civil rights and social change initiatives swings toward progress, the LGBTQIA community often holds its collective breath in anticipation of the inevitable backlash when the pendulum swings back. Even with these gains, we are constantly looking over our shoulder—waiting for the next shoe to drop, for the next attack on our personhood. The community’s enemies see progress as a perceived danger to their own heteronormative bubbles—and any advancement threatens to burst those fragile bubbles. Even as we hoist the rainbow flag in celebration, a dark rainbow rises on the horizon… For this third volume of the award-winning Unspeakable Horror series, we are seeking original short stories up to 6,000 words that explore this idea of great terror growing from the LGBTQIA community’s great strides forward. We want your terrifying interpretations and extensions of this theme—not a literal reading. Questions to explore: Does the unspeakable horror manifest in a subtle, growing sense of unease that our enemies must surely be plotting to thwart our efforts—or does it present in outward paranoia? Do we settle into a false sense of security and not see the unspeakable terror that rises behind us? Do we turn on each other now that our external enemies are (seemingly) defeated? Do we leave part of our community behind in some misguided act of self-preservation? Stories can be set in any time period, as long as the narrative includes some historical LGBTQ+ civil rights/social movement/moment as a direct or indirect...