Taking Submissions: Hush, Don’t Wake The Monster
Deadline: September 12th, 2022 Payment: $15 Theme: Stories inspired by Stephen King Note: This anthology is for authors who identify as female Deadline: SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 Payment: $15 flat fee per story (author must have a valid PayPal address as that will be used for payment) Publisher: Twisted Wing Productions Novelist Stephen King says writing is like leaving the ordinary world for a world of his own making: “It’s a wonderful, exhilarating experience.” Theme: STEPHEN KING HOMAGE/STORY RETELLINGS Every (unless you live under a rock) knows Stephen King, the modern-day master of horror novelist. With a career spanning so many years and over eighty books published between novels and short story collections there’s a lot of material to be inspired by! We’re looking for Stephen King retellings/homage of his novels or short stories with a feminist edge. Focus on themes he explores in his own writing (but not limited to this is only to give an idea) such as: Ordinary people dealing with extraordinary/supernatural events/entities, loss of innocence, coming of age, good vs. evil, and much more. The genre is HORROR. Stories MUST have elements of horror in them. The author submitting MUST IDENTIFY AS FEMALE. The author must retain full rights to the work intended for our consideration and that the work itself is complete and not published anywhere else (including personal websites or social media). Having been previously published isn’t a requirement, if you have a compelling story, send it to us! Format: Word doc, 12 font, double space Times New Roman. Not a reprint. We are asking for exclusive first worldwide electronic and print rights for 18 months and the right to keep the story in print, and nonexclusive right to continue to publish for the life of the anthology. We do not place any limits on what the author does with the story...
Taking Submissions: Whetstone Issue 6
Deadline: September 12th, 2022 Payment: $10 Theme: Pulp sword and sorcery CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS / WHETSTONE / Issue 6 (Winter 2022) WHETSTONE is an award-winning amateur magazine that seeks to discover, inspire, and publish emerging authors who are enthusiastic about the tradition of “pulp sword and sorcery.” Writers in this tradition include (but are not limited to) the following: Robert E. Howard, Fritz Leiber, Jack Vance, Michael Moorcock, Karl Edward Wagner, David C. Smith, and many more. “Pulp sword and sorcery” emphasizes active protagonists, supernatural menaces, and preindustrial (mostly ancient and medieval) settings. Some “pulp sword and sorcery” straddles the line between historical and fantasy fiction; at Whetstone, however, we emphatically prefer “secondary world settings,” other worlds liberated from the necessity of historical accuracy. Published by Spiral Tower Press. Managing Editor: Dr. Jason Ray Carney is a lecturer in the Department of English of Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia. He is the co-editor of the academic journal The Dark Man: Journal of Robert E. Howard and Pulp Studies and the area chair of the "Pulp Studies" section of the Popular Culture Association. He serves as the Academic Coordinator for the Robert E. Howard Foundation. He is the author of Rakefire and Other Stories (Pulp Hero Press). Associate Editor: Chuck E. Clark lives in Southern Wisconsin with his wife and four children. He graduated from the University of Kentucky with a Political Science degree, apprenticed as a jeweler, joined the navy, and now fixes laser microscopes. He has been published in Whetstone and The August Derleth Society's newsletter, Sage of Sac Prairie. He loves collecting rocks, books, and whiskey. Associate Editor: Luke E. Dodd is a scientist, devourer of music, and collector of hobbies. He is one of the three hosts of The Cromcast, a podcast dedicated to the works of Robert E. Howard and other weird fiction. He lives...