Taking Submissions: Into Chaos
Deadline: September 6th, 2022 Payment: €150 Theme: Characters "stepping into chaos" From Aug 2nd to Sept 6th, we are open for short story submissions for our new collection, INTO CHAOS! We are looking for stories of all genres that respond to our title and/or cover art, and selected writers will receive a flat rate of €150 for accepted submissions. What calling would be strong enough for one to step into darkness? When heading into the unknown, the path is always lined by warnings – and yet, time and time again, characters barrel down that road, daring and unafraid. What is it that drives them on, despite all odds? Is it fear or is it desire? The need to escape or the siren song of adventure? And, perhaps more importantly, what will they find when they lift the veil and peer beyond? Be it unhinged mayhem or sublime beauty, we want stories of what happens when characters step INTO CHAOS. For our latest anthology, we want stories inspired by our title – INTO CHAOS – and the cover artwork below, created by artist Dominique Ramsey. All genres of writing are welcome, as long as they explore a story of embracing the unknown (which can be as real or as magic as your heart desires)! More than any specific story or style, we want the emotional response the title and artwork evokes in you. In the words of William Ernest Henley, we want tales where no matter how strait the gate, the menace of the years finds me, and shall find me, unafraid. INTO CHAOS What lies in wait for those that embrace the unknown? What will be lost – and what can be found –past the gates of chaos? What is beyond the portals of our reality – and what would...
Taking Submissions: Taco Bell Quarterly Issue 6 (Early Listing)
Submission Window: June 1st - September 6th, 2022 Payment: $50 Theme: Literary/creative essays, short stories, fiction/prose, poems, comics, art, one act plays, fever dreams, multimedia, stupid status updates, criticisms, manifestos, recipes and anything else that explore any and all elements of Taco Bell. Is this a joke? No! This a real literary magazine for you to submit your literary Taco Bell writing. Like The Paris Review. Granta. Ploughshares. Taco Bell Quarterly. It still sounds like you’re joking, but okay. What are the guidelines? Taco Bell Quarterly seeks literary/creative essays, short stories, fiction/prose, poems, comics, art, one act plays, fever dreams, multimedia, stupid status updates, criticisms, manifestos, recipes and anything else that explore any and all elements of Taco Bell. Or not. Shoehorn a chalupa in your short story. Maybe we’ll love it. An elegy for the discontinued menu items? Fine. An experimental essay about marine biology and the XXL Grilled Stuft Burrito? Awesome. Review the new Beefy Fritos Burrito and how it reminds you of the time your grandma died? We want it. Something that introduces us to inventive form, dynamic language, and strong voice. Or perhaps it does none of the above. We’re not judgey and pretentious. We’re the Taco Bell Quarterly. We lean towards pieces that are queer and center their pain/joy in a Taco Bell. Are you affiliated, sponsored by, connected to, or BFF with Taco Bell? No. But like all corporations, they are very aware of things that steal their intellectual branding. One time I asked them for a million dollars for literature in a zoom. They laughed politely and continue not to sue me. Is this going to be quarterly? It comes out when we feel like it. What’s the word count guideline? Write what it takes to tell your story. But seriously, people’s attention spans...