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Taking Submissions: The Scary Stuff Anthology
August 31, 2019
Deadline: August 31st, 2019
Payment: $10 and a contributors copy
Oddity Prodigy Productions is seeking submissions for a new anthology, “Scary Stuff”. This will be the first anthology published by OPP to accept submissions. There is a planned Kickstarter to cover publishing costs. Publishing date and distribution is as yet undecided.
The deadline for Submissions is August 31st, 2019
What we are looking for:
In the ’40s and ’50s EC comics published such classic titles such as ‘Tales from the Crypt’ and Vault of Horror’. These were tales of horror that featured classic stories filled with ghosts, and goblins, twist endings and the classic idea of reaping what you sow. The style of story continued into the ’60s and ’70s with Creepy and Eerie magazines. Published outside the comics code the latter had the same campy style filled with over-the-top monsters and gore.
We are looking for stories that channel these classic horror tropes and styles. We’re looking for old haunted houses, swamp monsters, mad scientists, shocking discoveries in the weird neighbor’s basement.
Pick up an old issue of Creepy, watch Tales from the Darkside, or take a look at some EC comics for inspiration.
What we’re not looking for:
We are not looking for stories featuring over the top depictions of rape, child molestation, or torture. This should be fun and campy. Sexual content is ok, but nothing too graphic or excessive. Think Fright Night or Evil Dead, not Hostel or Se7en.
We are looking for stories between 2000 and 5000 words. Exceptions can be made but anything longer or shorter will need to WOW us.
Original stories only, we are not looking for reprints at this time.
Submissions should be in standard manuscript format. Be sure to include your name, address, email address, and phone number.
Please Submit to:
Subject line should be in the following format: Scary Stuff Submission / Title
Payment and Rights:
Payment will be a flat $10.00 paid via PayPal and a contributors copy. We will include a bio for each author included. You will be able to include links to your other work and/or website. We will ask for your bio after selection for inclusion.
Oddity Prodigy Productions is a creative team that shares duties on all projects. The lead editors on “Scary Stuff” will be Jacob Jones-Goldstein and Nicholas Leamy.
Nicholas Leamy is a well-known miscreant who has lived in Northern Delaware all his life. Working as a supervisor for a web hosting data center, with a B.S. in Computer Science, he is well outside his wheelhouse when it comes to writing fiction. He has decided, however, that his minor in philosophy makes him interesting enough to pull it off. He also happens to be a lover of board games, horror movies, and anything bizarre.
Jacob Jones-Goldstein is a fiction writer and sports journalist. His short stories have appeared both in the US and abroad. Mostly focusing on the horror genre, he dabbles in magical realism and fantasy. He covers professional sports for a Philadelphia regional news site, TapInto.Net, including a weekly column about the 76ers, ‘Winning Culture’. His nuanced and thoughtful takes on the Sixers have earned him acclaim all around his house.
Via: Oddity Prodigy.