Our Staff so loved working on the first volume, we’ve decided to keep doing it.
We are seeking stories in the horror genre. Inclusion of elements of other genres is welcome, so long as, overall, the story is an horror story. The subject of the story can be based on any legend, so long as it has a horrific flavor. Ghosts, hauntings, alien abductions, monsters, demons, spirits, witches, etc, all are acceptable, as long as the subject is based on an actual legend or tall-tale.
We want an original story involving the legend. Don’t rehash the legend itself or write an essay on the tall-tale. Instead, for example, WOW us with a new fable of some poor unfortunate who finds out that legends are sometimes all too real.
~Extrapolate relationships that do not exist in the actual legends. Nessie can be a horrific monster, but she is not a servant of the Elder Gods (no matter how much we love Eldritch horror).
~Attribute characteristics or powers that do not exist in the actual legends. Jack-a-Lopes are cool, but they aren’t going to eat you in your sleep.
~Intermix legends that are not part of one another, or transplant the legend to a different locale in a non-sensical manner.
~Write an apologetic of how the horrific legend is just misunderstood.
Submissions are open:
19 September 2021 (23:59 MST)
This is an adult, horror fiction anthology. Blood, guts, cursing, and sex are often part of the stories, but excessive sex, foul language, or gore are NOT a cover for bad writing. Adult writing is style not just including “adult content”. Erotica stories will be rejected. Likewise, pedophilia will be rejected.
Submissions are via email to: [email protected]
Please send an email with Subject Line: From the Yonder 3 Submission.
Include your contact information and the attached file in an email to: [email protected]
Shunn formatting examples: https://www.shunn.net/format/story.html