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Taking Submissions: Alternative Holidays
March 30, 2022
Deadline: March 30th, 2022
Payment: $.03 a word and royalties
Theme: Holidays as seen through the lens of Speculative Fiction.
Note: Reprints welcome, though are a hard sell
Tell us Holiday stories.
Write us Holiday poems.
Holidays as seen through the lens of Speculative Fiction.
This book will be edited by Bob Brown
We are looking for good writing, imaginative and imaginitive scenarios, and a good bit of humor in stories, essays or poetry.
This book will be part of the best-selling Alternatives series. We will be accepting stories, poetry, and essays from now through March 30, 2022.
Story length for our books average about 2200 words but have ranged from 100 to 7500 words. However, we only use one or two stories over 5,000 words and our advice is to keep it under 5K, unless we communicate in advance.
Reprints are accepted, but we hold them to a higher standard and limit them in number. Please let us know about prior publication (reprints) on submission (Moksha has an indicator), not after acceptance (that makes us cranky).
Multiple submissions are accepted.
Simultaneous submissions are tolerated.
Publication date anticipated August 2022.
Pays $.03 a word upon publication, plus a share of the profits.
As always, a share will go to the ACLU.
Submissions need to include your name, e-mail, wordcount and address on the submission.
If in doubt, SFWA guidelines for short fiction is a great guide: https://www.sfwa.org/2005/01/04/manuscript-format/.
It’s always good to make an editor happy. Adherence to guidelines makes Debora happy.
Poetry should be formatted as you wish it to appear. EACH POEM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED SEPARATELY.
Via: B Cubed Press’s Moksha.