Epeolatry Book Review: The Legend of Korra: Patterns in Time

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Title: The Legend of Korra: Patterns in Time
Authors: Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko
Illustrators: Heather Campbell, Jayd Aït-Kaci
Genre: Graphic Novel, Young Adult, Comics
Publisher: Dark Horse
Release Date: November 9, 2022
Synopsis: Your favorite characters from Team Avatar and beyond are here in this collection of stories, from the heartwarming to the hilarious. Join Korra, Asami, Mako, Bolin, Tenzin, and more familiar faces from The Legend of Korra, featured in stories specially crafted by a bevy of talented comics creators! Be sure to add these all-new stories to your Avatar Legends library!
Fans of both Avatar: The Last Airbender, and The Legend of Korra are still out there, rabid for new content, even though the final episode of The Legend of Korra aired back in December of 2014. The characters from Nickelodeon’s Avatar franchise are loved by young and old. We still rewatch both series almost yearly.
With this new collection of Korra comics, The Legend of Korra: Patterns in Time, readers get a slight return to some of the series’ characters at different points in their lives—before, during, and after the events of the series. Each story is short and does not afford much time with characters like Meelo, Asami, Naga, Tenzin, Korra, and others. Many stories feel like morality lessons with the veneer of the ATLA universe pasted over the top. After the recent Team Avatar Treasury Boxed Set, I had high expectations, and, unfortunately, those were not met.
This was still a fun read. But, unlike the television series, this probably has less appeal to those beyond grade school. I am happy to see more ATLA content published, and with the coming live action adaptation in the works of the original ATLA series, we are sure to see much more. I look forward to seeing what Dark Horse gives us next in this story universe.