Taking Submissions: Short Story Substack January 2023 Window (Early Listing)
Submission Window: January 1st-31st, 2022
Payment: $100 for the chosen story + 50% of subscription revenue
Theme: Any genre, short story
Mission = Revive the art of the short story, support artists, and produce something wonderful.
Payout = Base Pay of $100 for the chosen story + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check.
Wait, you mean if this substack gets thousands of subscribers, the winner would get thousands of dollars?
Yes! The New Yorker pays roughly $7,500 per story and I sincerely hope to go way past that.
What does the timeline look like?
Submit stories by the end of the month, winner to be announced on the 15th. There is ONE story that wins and receives the full payout.