Payment: Royalties
Theme: Space Opera
Theme: Space Opera.
Submission Period: Ongoing.
Word Count: Anything from 2,000 words to novel length. Submission should be written in third person point of perspective, past tense.
Author Eligibility: Open to all.
Reprints: Not allowed.
Simultaneous Submissions: Not allowed.
Multiple Submissions: Allowed but please wait for a response on your previous submission before sending the next.
Publication: Each story will be a standalone publication, published in digital format, unless otherwise indicated. Sequels are always a possibility, as are print editions, especially for authors with multiple pieces accepted into the universe.
Author Compensation: Royalty split.
To find out more, about what content we are looking for, please visit our 224-Verse page.
Please make sure to read our Submission Guidelines before submitting. Thanks!