Burial Books Is To Non-Themed Horror

Deadline: February 14th, 2025
Payment: $10 and a contributors copy
Theme: Unthemed horror

Non-themed Horror Short Story Anthology: We are seeking great horror and dark fantasy short stories for our next anthology. Got a story that won’t fit into the narrow topics of other short story anthologies? We are preparing a general horror anthology full of scary stories that are not on a particular theme.

Word Count: Anything at least 500 words and not over 10,000 words we will consider.

Payment: Authors shall receive a payment of $10 along with a copy of the anthology once it’s completed.

Rights: First Print and Electronic Publication rights, the non-exclusive rights to include the story in a print, audiobook, and digital book, and a one-year (12 month) period of exclusivity from the date of publication. All other rights remain entirely with the author.

OTHER STUFF: No poetry or reprints. No novel extracts. Authors are welcome to submit more than one story for the anthology (no more than two per author though) but please submit them in separate emails.

Submission Deadline: We’ll stay open until February 14th, 2025.

Email submissions to [email protected] with a story either: 1) attached in Microsoft Word; or 2) with the entire story pasted inside the body of the email. Either one is fine. We try to reply and let you know if we are not using your submission within 4 weeks.

Please put EXACTLY the following in the subject line: ATTN: HORROR. 

Via: Burial Books.

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