The Hammerlock of the Gods – Pro Wrestling and Horror – Introduction
It’s the night of a big show, the lights shine down on a packed arena, centred on the place affectionately known in wrestling parlance as the squared circle – the ring. In the middle of the ring, stands a hero, sweat dripping down his overblown muscled body. Hand raised in victory. The fans packed to the rafters are cheering themselves hoarse.
Then it happens. A blast of noise. The lights dim, flicker out into total darkness, a howl of discordant music fills the arena. The eerie tune engages in a battle with the hooting, whistling crowd, many of whom are smarks, wrestling fans who follow the pseudo sport’s dirt sheets and have an inkling of what is afoot. If the bookers (the people who create or develop characters and write the storylines) are clever, they will have spent the past few weeks enticing the hordes with teases and hints of what is about to ensue.