CLOSED: Voodoo Press Is Open For Horror Novels

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Payment: 30% – 50% share of the net profit.

Voodoo Press accepts unsolicited submissions of apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic, survival horror, traditional horror novels. No reprints or self-published.

Payment: 30% – 50% share of the net profit.

Rights: You are willing to give us your ebook, print & audio rights for a minimum of 5 years

Formatting guidelines

Single spaced
Times New Roman 12pt
Page headers (in the right corner of every page except the title page should include: Author name/Title/Page No.)
Page break between chapters

Please use our Submission Manager Tool

The following informations must be included

1. Your bio
2. Synopsis for your book

We will review your submission and decide if it is something we are interested in. This process can take several weeks depending on how many submissions and how busy the staff is.

Via: Voodoo Press.

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