Horror Tree’s Ongoing Submissions: Trembling With Fear


Deadline: Ongoing
Payment: This is currently a non-paying market. Think of it as a way to give back as we operate at a loss.

‘Trembling With Fear’ is a new ongoing outlet for creatives that we’re trying out on Horror Tree. We’re going to be opening for submissions on drabbles and flash pieces to be printed on the site which will potentially be made available in a collection at the end of the year.

Each week we will accept and post up to one flash (1500 words and under) and up to three drabbles (exactly 100 words, not including title.) Each post will include a bio and social links for the author.

We will be asking for non-exclusive rights on these pieces to a) keep them online indefinitely and b) the ability to include them in a print anthology to help continue to fund the site. This is not currently a paying market.

We’ll be looking for original work here though certain weeks will have specialized calls and some will include a call for reprints. We’ll be announcing those shortly. Specialized calls will allow for up to two flash and five drabbles.

What We Want:

  • Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy or anything that fits in related genres that still are thematically dark! We obviously started off as horror but are open to all of the above and related genres. (Note: Themed calls will not need to be as dark and just genre specific.)
  • A complete story.

What We Don’t Want:

  • Adult content.
  • Reprints

The Fine Print:

  • Please submit your work in a .doc or .docx format.
  • In the body of your email please include a bio of no more than 150 words and up to 4 links (ie: Homepage, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon page, or whatever else applies!)
  • When submitting your work send it to contact at horrortree dot com with the subject of TWF: Your Title
  • We’re not a stickler on fonts as we’ll change everything to match the site. Just don’t use Wingdings or something equally annoying.
  • Again, we’re looking for non-exclusive digital and physical print as well as online rights. Distribution will be through this website and potentially in a print or digital book format. At this time we are not asking for audio or film rights.
  • We will try to respond to all submissions within 2 weeks.
  • All accepted material will be printed on HorrorTree.com, potentially in physical and digital format at the end of the year, and if enough interest we may expand it onto TremblingWithFear.com at a future date.

Let’s see if you can make us all end up trembling with fear in a super short story!

Via: Horror Tree’s Trembling With Fear.

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